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  • Feliz aniversário, M.Shadows!

Feliz aniversário, M.Shadows!

Hoje o vocalista do Avenged Sevenfold comemora 31 anos de idade. O A7X:BR deseja todo o sucesso do mundo para M.Shadows. Parabéns.

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  • jonas

    12 de setembro de 2012 at 15:04

    Happy birthday shadows .. that avenged sevenfold continue with this worldwide success he does …. Love all you guys … EuO know you guys miss the rev of a drummer that was in inesuecivel miha mind forever

  • izabela

    23 de setembro de 2012 at 12:42

    matt shadows parabens late years of life for you and for all of you is very beautiful double tabom I love you guys very much and even swear to god i love nightmare and dear god I love very very much voceis faso anything for and I voceis 20 000 I’m saving to go to california to see that voceis ja voceis do not see our joy in Brazil and I have never seen voceis I turned voceis by fanatic fan since I heard the song dear god in my dad’s car now I have to listen to her every day because I can not take my day a hundred and hear me cry for voceis qero see vocei faso qualqer thing to accomplish this ce love voceis tb tb …:(

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